Saturday, November 8, 2008

Abomination vs. Obamanation

Its been a crazy week here in the states, with our nation engrossed in the political consequences of the historic elections that just took place. Very nice to see a candidate with such a positive message eager to engage the calamity that is our republic at this moment.

Enough is enough though, and since we are all getting down to business to resolve the crisis from all fronts, I should do my part and resolve the minor absence by our blog this past week with some interesting, and hopefully fresh, music for your ears.

First up is a choice hit by Rogerseventytwo, quite possibly one of the most underrated DJs in the electronic music scene. He has many things going for him, like the use of bass for rhythm and funk elements for melodies in several of his songs, and although his love for that music label can get the better of him sometimes, it's a minor fault. Here's a fairly new one:

Destroy Disco - Fly or Bounce (Rogerseventytwo Remix)

I first heard the original of this song four years ago, part of a Colette mix, and it was pretty amazing stuff, slow with lounge elements, and I would say that the name of the group is very apropos. This is a remix of that song that made me reminisce about what dance music was then and what is now, inherent in the contemporary elements provided by the remixeurs on the song:

Colder - Dance to the Music (Lotterboys Remix)

To keep it old school, we'll go with probably my favorite song from Cut Copy's Fabriclive set, definitely the best thing I've ever heard from Super Discount, hopefully they make more like it. The squiggly voices, the pounding synths and the crescendo buildups make this a slow bpm classic:

Whomadewho - Out the Door (Super Discount Remix)

Newer stuff coming soon, stay tuned peeps.

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